About Solar Farms

The name Solar Farm is misleading in my opinion. 

When I hear the word farm I think of green fields, crops and animals. 

When I hear farm I do not think of chain link fence with three strands of barbed wire and danger signs.
A Solar Farm which should be called a Solar Plant is a MASSIVE industrial/commercial/electric generating power plant a so called small 2mw Solar Farm (Solar Plant) is approximately the size of NINE FOOTBALL FIELDS!
So how can that possibly fit into any residential area?
Would you want to look at this from your front door?
Solar Farm image
It takes a lot of land to build a 1 mega watt solar farm

I read an article from a Solar Farm Fact Sheet that stated 1 Megawatt (MW) capacity photovoltaic solar array on 4.8 acres  and the farm has 5,040 ground-mounted Sanyo solar panels.


Solar Farm Danger Signs